Robert Chapman, Pt 2

Robert Chapman was not a noted orator, but he became a good preacher; he was not known as a theologian, but he was a thorough student of the Bible; he was not famous as a hymn writer, but many of his hymns are still sung. What then made Chapman so beloved and effective in his time? Quite simply, his utter devotion to Christ and his determination to live Christ. These were the driving forces in his life. From these flowed his other attributes, his balanced outlook, and most of all, the love for which he was best known. In return, people loved him and God honored him with good health, a long life, and inward peace.

– Robert Peterson

Robert Chapman

Robert Chapman became one of the most respected Christians of nineteenth-century Britain. He was a lifelong friend and mentor to George Müller, the founder of the large orphanage system at Bristol. He was an advisor to J. Hudson Taylor, who used him as a referee for China Inland Mission. His acquaintance C.H. Spurgeon called him “the saintliest man I ever knew.”

An Anglican clergyman wrote after a stay at Chapman’s rest home, “For the first time, I heard Robert Chapman expound the Scriptures. Deep called to deep as he warmed to his subject. The impression made on my mind is almost all that I can remember, as I took no notes; but as his Bible closed, I felt like an infant in the knowledge of God, compared with a giant like this.”

– Robert Peterson (Robert Chapman: Apostle of Love, Lewis & Roth Publishers, Colorado Springs, CO; 1995)