Robert Chapman

Robert Chapman became one of the most respected Christians of nineteenth-century Britain. He was a lifelong friend and mentor to George Müller, the founder of the large orphanage system at Bristol. He was an advisor to J. Hudson Taylor, who used him as a referee for China Inland Mission. His acquaintance C.H. Spurgeon called him “the saintliest man I ever knew.”

An Anglican clergyman wrote after a stay at Chapman’s rest home, “For the first time, I heard Robert Chapman expound the Scriptures. Deep called to deep as he warmed to his subject. The impression made on my mind is almost all that I can remember, as I took no notes; but as his Bible closed, I felt like an infant in the knowledge of God, compared with a giant like this.”

– Robert Peterson (Robert Chapman: Apostle of Love, Lewis & Roth Publishers, Colorado Springs, CO; 1995)

Posted in Daily Thoughts, Denton church.