You and your Burdens

It is our Lord’s meekness and lowliness that made His great burden so light. And it is out of His own experience that He speaks to us. ‘Bring a meek heart to your burden as I did,’ He says to us, ‘Bring the same mind to your yoke as I brought to my yoke, and see how easy it will feel.’ Go to Him in any circumstance, and whatever He sees good to do with you and your burden, He will begin to give you another heart under it. He will begin to give you a meek and lowly heart. It is not your burden that weighs you down. It is your proud, rebellious self-seeking, self-pleasing heart. Had He dealt with you after your sins and rewarded you according to your iniquities, you would not have been here to find fault with the way He is leading you to pardon, peace and everlasting life.

– Alexander Whyte

Posted in Daily Thoughts, Denton church.