Transparent Passion: Jim Elliot’s Life

May 18, 1950
Last night I went for a walk around the hills. Found myself again dedicating my clay, asking for God’s presence to be sensed more continually. Analyzed afresh and repudiated my desire to DO something for God in the sight of men rather than to BE something, even if great results are never seen. The clouds over the western hills seemed to speak to me: “What is your life? It is a vapor.” I saw myself as a wisp of vapor being drawn upward from the vast ocean by the sun’s great power and sent landward by the winds. The shedding of blessing upon earth must be as the rain, drawn up first by God, born along by His Spirit, poured out by His own means and in His place, and running down to the sea again as “water poured out.” So my weakness shall be God’s opportunity to refresh the earth. I would that it should be, just as He has shown me.

October 7, 1950
I have just come from the OU-Texas A&M football game, one of the best, I suppose, I shall ever see. A&M led out, and the score read 7-0, 7-7, 14-7, 14-14, 21-14, 21-21, and then 28-21 until the third quarter. Then O.U. failed their conversion attempt, which put the score at 28-27 with 1:55 remaining. With one minute remaining, O.U. scored a touchdown, setting the final score at 34-28. The crowd reaction was interesting to watch.
Ah, what will it be like when, not 40,000 people, but an unnumbered multitude rivet their excited attention upon the Son of God. No need for cheerleaders then! No need to tell people to stand, for all shall mourn or rejoice over Him. Wonderful day! Oh, Jesus, Master and Center of all things, how long before that final glory of Yours which is so long awaited! Now there is not much thought of You among men, but in that day there shall be thought for nothing else. Now other men are praised, but then none shall care for any other’s merits. Hasten, hasten, You who are the Glory of Heaven, take Your crown, subdue all kingdoms, and enthrall Your people!

Posted in Daily Thoughts, Denton church.